Another Classic From The Mind of Jimmy Z!

The Days of B. Hussien-From The Jimmy Z Show!

Its a Fine Time to Leave Us Barrak- From the Jimmy Z Show!

Even the Men and Women Who Serve Know...

From The Late Great George Carlin...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Climate Change"

Ok boys and girls! A quick comment on this ridiculous issue. We've been hearing about this ad nauseam for a long long time. First it was global warming then they realized the planet was getting cooler! Oh crap! lets call it global cooling! Oh crap! Lets just call it climate change to cover both ends so we look smart.
Lets be real. We are experiencing the normal CYCLICAL changes that have occurred since God created this incredible planet that we call home. How arrogant are we to think that we hold the fate of this planet in our hands every time we flip a switch! Now, don't get me wrong, Should we be as efficient as possible in the use of the resources we have?Absolutely. Should be do the research to achieve this goal? Absolutely. Should we roll back to the dark ages to accomplish this? Absolutely not!
The lack of common sense that seems to be prevalent in our society/leadership is grossly appalling. The apparent greed and hypocrisy on display in people like Al Gore and others is a testament to my point. As I said earlier, we need to do things to be more efficient, not revert our very existence to that of the stone age to satisfy a few pocketbooks.
What should we be doing? Great question! We as human beings are pretty innovative. I think it would be smart to begin working on upgrading the power grid across our nation to allow more efficient transfer of power to customers. Why use all the technologies that we have (nuclear, solar, wind, hydroelectric, coal, natural gas etc.) to run all the things that we use in an efficient manner? We have these things in front of us and we refuse to put them to good use because the powers that be can't stuff their pockets and keep us by the throat as they feel we should be.
So, for all those who think we are destroying our planet just by virtue of the fact that we exist, I say this: Stop hating yourself and the rest us! Move to be more efficient, not self destruction.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

POTUS and The Nobel Peace Prize...

Well, I just don't know exactly what to say about this. Not that I am saying deserving people should not be given such an honor, however, it seems a little early to bestow such an accolade to our President. I mean, the nominations, from what I understand have to be in by February; hardly enough time from inauguration to the deadline(Even from election day to the deadline hardly seems to be ample time-my opinion of course) So, my conclusion is this: THE FIX IS IN. Hope the million dollars that comes with it goes to a charity of some sorts but I doubt that.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Handing Our Country Over...

It seems to get worse every day. Now we are lighting up the Empire State Building in New York in the colors of Red China!?! We allow Muslims to have a worship service at the Capitol in Washington, D.C.!?! We now have elementary school kids singing praises to the president as if he is the Messiah?!? This has gotten a little more than out of hand. We don't as a country restrict the right of our citizens to express their views, but come on, this is a little over the top. Considering that in the past, the actions of our government have never been so overtly AGAINST our heritage and our sovereignty as it is now. Christians and Jews have to go to battle every holiday season to defend depictions of our faith in public and more still, we cannot pray in public without getting flack from law enforcement-Even our PRESIDENT covers up images of Christ when he speaks(Remember the speech at Georgetown University?) O.K. for the muslims but not o.k. for the rest of us "bible huggin tea baggin rednecks"

Well I think its time to take the country back and restore our government to its prominence in the world. We are the greatest country in the history of mankind and we have gotten away from our core values and principles on which we were founded. We are smart enough and resourceful enoughto solve most any problem that we face. There is no reason at all to kow-tow to our enemies and ignore or dismiss our allies.

This is not hope and this is not the "change" we expect from our leaders. We need not and cannot accept leaving our men and women of our armed forces swinging in the wind without the support they require in the middle of a battle. We are being duped by our "fearless leader" We dont need the POTUS running around securing olympic games hosting rights! We need him doing the job he was sent to do! I dont give a rats ass that he is black-the great Martin Luther King said that we should judge a person on the "content of their character not the color of his skin" Amen, Dr. King. Well the content of the POTUS is SERIOUSLY lacking in character-some say he is abundant is charisma but I dont see it as of yet.

Enough already. We need to fix this country's problems and move forward, not bury us in debt and hand over our country to our enemies.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Premier Web Radio...

Many people are sick and tired of the main stream media. Aside from Fox News, there are few places to go these days to get good information about what is happening in our country today. However, there is now a great alternative! I have found the Jimmy Z Show. I have posted a link to his site which is loaded with great information in addition to his daily web radio show. Check it out and if you have a blog, be sure to add his link to yours! Jimmy Z is a great American! Also enjoy two of my favorite song parodies that he has made. I've included at the top of my blog. Enjoy the show! And my thanks to Jimmy Z for allowing me to post them here!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hangin' with The Hawk

Today was a good day. Got the opportunity to hang out with a great ham, KI4HEE (a.k.a. Bob Hawkins) at his QTH. We talked radio, antennas and some dubious plumbing connections for a couple of hours and even got to check out the setup. Tried busting up some pile-ups in East Germany and places in between settling on some nice QSOs in a couple of southeastern states. Even better still, got to play with his dog, Buddy-what a great friend to have! And to top it all off, Bob was generous to lend me one of his antennas to try out hitting the repeaters since I've been having some difficulties as of late. What a good day! Look forward to hangin' with the Hawk in the future! AJ4QM, Clear.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Well, here's the touchy subject that starts wars. So I will say this about that. I am a Christian of the "born again" variety and I am a student of eschatology(study of prophecy) and I have found peace in my life after 32 years of life. People tend to take a hardline view of "radical" (your religion here) . I understand where these people are coming from. I don't belong to a church as I haven't found one that preaches the Gospel without inserting their own agenda into the mix.

I also reject the notion that there is more than one way to get to heaven and the notion that if you just "do the right thing" and try to live a good life and that will get you in good with God. Sadly, many people believe this is the case.

In future posts, I will delve further into this topic. I do not profess to know everything as I am not an expert theologian, but I study and seek out scholars on this subject in order to grow in my walk with Christ.

Polar Bears...

What can I say about Polar bears? They look cute on a sled with a Santa hat with a soft drink in hand, but I can't say I'd want to be within 50 feet of one. 'nuff said.

From The Mind of Gary Larson...